Wednesday, 21 October 2009

initial mock-ups for sweet brief...

Here is a shot of all the mock-up pieces together; they look like quite a strong set together. Will be interested to see how a label will work with them.

initial mock-ups for sweet brief...

Below are my initial mock-ups for the brief. I am really pleased with the outcome of these designs, however, I am unsure whether or not this net is right for the purpose it serves. I know this is a bit backwards but I now intend to look at other nets to see if the is a better one for my brief.

Jelly beans:

Cola bottles:

Banana foams:


Teeth and lips:

White chocolate buttons:

Monday, 19 October 2009

photographing my sweets...

Before I started experimenting with the sweets I took close-up photographs of them in groups. This is for one idea I had where the wrapping/packaging of each type of sweet is produced from photography of them close-up. In other words where the pattern is so abstract it is hard to work out the object.

I feel this could work as the vivid colours would shine through and the pattern could be interesting and eye-catching.

Banana Foams:
White Chocolate Buttons:

Cola Bottles:

Jelly Beans:
Strawberry Laces:
Teeth and Lips:

melting my sweets..

As I am now trying to have more fun with this project (the content requires this of me) I have been experimenting over the weekend with my 'tester' sweets and below are the results of my melting experiment....
(I should say my first attempt to melt the sweets resulted in the house alarm going off as the the laces caught fire!!!)

Banana Foam (5 sweets):

Cola Bottles (5 sweets):

White Chocolate Button (5 sweets):

Jelly Beans (5 sweets):

Strawberry Lace (5 sweets):

Teeth and Lips (5 sweets):

initial photographs...

Initially I have photographed the 6 'tester' sweets individually. I want to use these images in my pattern designs, this should be easy to do with the tile tool. I need to clean the images up more before I do this however as the edges will overlap and show the shadow.

Banana Foam:

Coca Bottle:
Jelly Beans:
Strawberry Lace:
White Chocolate Button:
Teeth and Lips:

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

patterns galore!!

Having had my tutorial with Fred last week I decided he was right about my brief. Basically I was looking at really high end packaging and was trying to fit this business into it. However, the truth is, the business does not really sell old fashioned sweets and is aimed at students, therefore why am I looking at this type of packaging?
Therefore I intend to have as much fun with this brief as I did for the ice-lollies (check out for that briefs work).

I have initially photographed some of the key sweets on the website and am playing with pattern to see if this is how I could distinguish the different sweets, instead of trying to create a sub-brand for each sweet!! These are very rough, initial ideas below, if I was to go with this idea I would definitely rephotograph the sweets.

I feel some patterns work better than others, however, if they were rephotographed and edited properly, then maybe this could work.

I now intend to play with the sweets colours and shapes....(maybe I should melt them like I did with the ice-lollies?!) here I come FUN!

questions for 'show and tell' tomorrow....

1. More images required?
2. Does the reversed colour work?
3. How else can I use image and a lot of body copy?
4. Do I need to relook at my margin/column set-up?
1. Do these patterns of sweets interest you?
2. Are the colours right for this brief?
3. Are you interested and hungry for sweets now?!
4. Does it matter that they are different patterns/colours/layouts? or does this add to the uniqueness of each sweet?

Festive Leeds....
1. Am I being to save?
2. Is it too dull?
3. Should I add more colours to my palette?
4. Is using type important?

Wagamama brief....
1. Would you wear a t-shirt like this?
2. Is it too abstract?
3. Should I add text?

initial booklet design...

I have already done some design layouts for this brief (will be added to blog once I have been able to get my hands on a A3 scanner!) However, here are some screenshots of my first attempt on the computer (using indesign)......

The istock photo seen is only $10 or something cheap so if the client is happy with this then I shall go ahead and purchase it. I am pleased with the contents page, however I feel the margin in between the two columns of text needs to be larger. I shall see how it prints out before I decide what to do.

I want to use images as much as possible as I feel this will be more appealing to the target audience, but I do require the space for body copy, therefore I need to find a way of having both on the same page. This is what I have come up with at the moment, however, I am unsure how strong it is, and whether it is just distracting and does not flow with the rest of the grids.

Where I have been limited to no images I have attempted to use colour to draw interest instead. I want to print this out so I can see how the 10pt size works in white on turquoise. I also need to develop the map page for two main reasons. One, I am unsure what the actual map is going to look like, therefore it is hard to judge the layout and two, I think it is too empty at the moment, however I cannot put type over the map like on the first page, as the map is a vital part of the information given.
Pleased with the griding, however, it looks very bland and is not very appealing to read. I have screenshots of the website I can include, however the scale of them is wrong and I think it could look too busy. Maybe I should add another stock photo?

Again, trying to use the reversed colours to create more interest and I actually feel like it works, however I need to talk to the client about images - see whether he is happy with this or as I feel, it needs more images and interest.

Final page is unfinished as I have not got the details of the sponsors/contacts yet. However the grid is ready to go! and this final page will look similar to everything else I have done.